
California Clean Truck Check

CA Clean Truck Check (update)

Benefits of SPAB Certification

SB 88 / Transporting Students in Passenger Vehicles / Non-School Bus

Individuals w/ Disabilities Educ. Act (IDEA)

Navigating HTS Transportation Funding

Sample Template for Transportation Services Plan

Transportation Services Plan Template

Largest Enhancement for Pupil Transportation Funding in Recent History

  • The largest enhanced funding increase for HTS transportation in recent history!

  • The final budget provides $637 million ongoing for Proposition 98 General Fund specifically tagged for HTS Transportation.

  • Specifically, the enhanced funding will be an increase to the LEA’s LCFF as an add-on so that Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) can be funded at up to 60% of their transportation costs, or their current add-on, plus ongoing COLA.

California Education Code Section 39800.1

  • Ed Code Sections 39800.1 & 41850.1 are added  as part of the 2022-23 Budget Act, which specify that eligible LEA pupil transportation allowances will be “equal to 60% of home-to-school transportation expenditures reported by the school district or county superintendent of schools as determined by its Function 3600 entry in the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) Report for the prior year, excluding capital outlay and nonagency expenditures.”

  • Note that this allowance will be reduced by the amount of the LEA’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) transportation add-on.

  • The current Budget Act does not provide separate funding for special education transportation and supersedes all previous Education Code references which have been repealed.

  • Current law provides that HTS transportation includes transportation for any pupil from a school district or a county office of education, including students with disabilities

4 Basic Requirements of the Transportation Services Plan

  1. A description of the local educational agencies transportation services that would be accessible through pupils with disabilities and homeless children and youth, as defined pursuant to the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11301 et seq.).

  2. A description of how unduplicated pupils, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 42238.02, would be able to access available home-to-school transportation at no cost to the pupils.

  3. The plan shall be developed in consultation with classified staff, teachers, school administrators, regional local transit authorities, local air pollution control districts and air quality management districts, parents, pupils, and other stakeholders.

  4. The plan shall be presented and adopted by the governing board of the local education agency in an open meeting with the opportunity for in-person and remote public comment.