
There is no right or wrong answer to your organizations delivery model when it comes to internal program support of external transportation contractor oversight. The decision to support an internal pupil transportation system, contract externally for the service or utilize a combination of both is driven by your organization’s needs, ability to employ, provide leadership and manage a fleet and the associated operations to support the fleet. The responses to these questions differ between organizations. However, what is essential in any delivery system model is the organization’s active oversight of either managing their own delivery system model or effectively supervising and being engaged in the oversight of an external supplier/contractor support delivery model. Partnering with external organization contract suppliers begins with the foundation of a solid contract for services that addresses the required support structures for your pupil or employer commute staff. Oversight of contracted services is essential for both cost control and adherence of contract parameters. Holding your contract suppliers to the same safety and efficiency parameters of your own internal organization pupil or employer commute system is essential. PTI has the expertise in contractor/supplier contract development to help you assure your organization’s transportation needs are addressed. PTI can also assist in the needed periodic safety and organizational assessment reviews needed to assure passenger safety, legal requirements, best practices, and contract requirements are being met and adhered to.

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