Alternative Fuel and Infrastructure Grant Opportunities

Is your organization, public or private, taking advantage of alternative fuel and infrastructure grant opportunities to offset your fleet replacement cost, contain vehicle maintenance expense and as a means of meeting the requirements of the California Air Resources Board (CARB)? PTI has the expertise and successful history of navigating the requirements for Grant Opportunity applications. Applying for grants is essential for success in today’s fleet management; understanding one’s possible eligibility for stacking grants can lead to financial benefits through building partnerships for yellow bus and support vehicle acquisition as well as the needed infrastructures to support alternatively fueled vehicles. Is your organization preparing for the increasing restrictions of operating fossil fueled vehicles? Are you aware of the CARB’s emission reduction requirements? Do you have the necessary experience to apply and optimize the grant opportunities your organization may be eligible to receive? PTI consultants have the necessary experience to help navigate the grant opportunity path for you and show you how to bring eligible dollars into your program for fleet and infrastructure needs.

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